Hello World
Follow Install Docker and run hello-world - Docker
- Install Docker on macOS
- run
docker run hello-world
to test
Basic Components
- image: read-only ISO
- container: instance to load a image and run it; can be create, start, stop, delete; separate from each others; has its own ‘root’
- repository: a docker hub like github
Basic Commands
docker image ls
or docker images
show all the images
docker pull ubuntu:16.04
‘git clone’ a docker images ubuntu
with TAG: 16.04
; from a specific repository server: sudo docker pull dl.dockerpool.com:5000/ubuntu:12.04
docker run -it ubuntu:16.04 /bin/bash
= docker run -it ubuntu:16.04 bash
: start this image to a container and ssh
into it by start its ‘bash’; -i
: –interactive, Keep STDIN open even if not attached; -t
: –tty, Allocate a pseudo-TTY (more help can be cat
by docker run —help
); exit
to exit;
之后并不能在docker container ls
中看到,好像在运行后直接删除了docker container ls
只会显示正在运行的;使用docker container ls -a
显示全部;使用docker run —rm [image:tag]
来在运行后自动删除本container -
对 container 的修改在并没有!如果执行exit
之后被遗弃run …
每次会基于image新建一个container,新container自然不包括在老的container中作出的修改;即使在docker stop [a container]
之后,使用docker diff [a container]
依然可见对这个container做出的修改(当然,不使用 Dockerfile 定制的container是黑箱container,不应发布)
docker tag ubuntu:16.04 ubuntu:latest
为 ubuntu:16.04 添加一个tag。latest
是默认 tag,在不指定tag的时候会认为指的是 latest。因此之后可以直接运行 docker run ubuntu
docker run --name webserver -d -p 80:80 nginx
上述ubuntu的image都干干净净没有daemon进程,因此开启就即刻被关闭。运行一个ngnix来看一个持续运行的container。并且将其命名为 webserver。
docker container ls
=docker ps
docker ps -a
docker exec -it webserver bash
diff: exec
进入一个正在运行的container; run
docker diff webserver
docker rm 87dd 02e2 416 e09
批量删除container ID以 87dd,416 开头(多少位都可以,只要能区分就行)的这些container. docker rmi